Showit Website Design Services

design services

This isn't some cookie-cutter website. This is a tailored to you and your business solution. Buckle in, bestie, it's about to get magical. 

You might think you don't ~need~ a new website, but hear me out.

No seriously, hear me out.

It's a year from now, and you are waking up wondering why the same old routine of posting Canva graphics to Instagram isn't bringing in sales anymore. The newness of your socials have died down, or you just don't enjoy posting. 
You see peers growing and consistently bringing in sales and think to yourself "what do they have that I don't?" Two words. Optimized website. Think of a website as a digital home for you and your business. It is crucial to have and own this space as your own to truly scale and grow your business. 
Not really sure where to start? That is 100% a-okay bestie, we have all the juicy details below laid out for you. Give our services a glance and think to yourself "why not?" Because after all, why not grow this year?

website in a day

So you want a website that will work for you and you business? You want this all done in one day? Oh, yeah, we can do that. Website in a Day or WIAD is one of my 2 service offerings that is designed to get you off the ground and running at maximum velocity baby, and in 8 hours or less. Sounds too good to be true? It isn't bestie.
We will take a template from the club's shop - or one of your own - and design your website from there. During the design day I will be customizing the template with your brands fonts, colors, and copy. At the end of the 8 hour day you will have a fully customized to you website that is optimized for your specific niche and client base.

A template, but custom.

website in

a day

all design services are 50% off

What's Included:

A perfectly crafted questionnaire designed to get down to the specifics of your dream website.

A pre-design day call to go over the specifics and to ensure you have everything you need for design day!

Up to 6 hours of design time within Showit. This is the part where the magic happens!

Live launch call where we go over the basics of your new website. Pop the champagne!

Sign me up!


Total Investment

The process

Within a few days of submitting an inquiry for a service you will receive an email from myself detailing all about the design process, pricing / payment options, a link to the questionnaire, and the opportunity to book the 1:1 call with me. Once you are booked, then begins the fun part, the designing! 
Once you are booked we will touch base on a few important items; your brand copy, colors, font, and photos. 

Landing Page

Okay so maybe Website in a Day isn't your thing, or maybe you aren't there quite yet. Never fear, bestie, we have the perfect service for you! The Landing Page offering is for those who do not need or do not wish to have a fully built out 5+ page website. Instead, the Landing Page offers a fully optimized 1 page website that can be customized to your specific niche and client base.

One page, it's simple.



all design services are 50% off

What's Included:

A perfectly crafted questionnaire designed to get down to the specifics of your landing page.

A 1:1 call to discuss your answers to the questionnaire and to ensure we are both prepared.

1-2 week turnaround timeline with various check-in points throughout to ensure you are loving it!

Live launch call where we go over the basics of your new website. Call your girls, it's go time!

Sign me up!


Total Investment

The process

Within a few days of submitting an inquiry for a service you will receive an email from myself detailing all about the design process, pricing / payment options, a link to the questionnaire, and the opportunity to book the 1:1 call with me. Once you are booked, then begins the fun part, the designing! 
Once you are booked we will touch base on a few important items; your brand copy, colors, font, and photos. 

And ask us anything. No, seriously, ask us anything. We are an open book, from our services to our Starbucks orders. Talk soon, xoxo!

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